To be a Quaker today

by Trevor Bending I listened to the ministry by Geoffrey Durham at Britain Yearly Meeting and later nearly stood to speak myself.  But the moment passed.  I’m a new member (since February).  What could I say? I reflected that not too many months before and only a few yards away I had heard Geoffrey speak…

Plant tendril with water drops reflecting background colours

Meeting for welcome

by A Friend On a sunny Sunday in November some of our friends and family came to a Quaker meeting for the first time. They came to a half hour meeting for welcome, arranged in response to the births of our two daughters. Having grown up attending an Anglican Church it seemed neglectful not to…

A man's silhouette, reading a book, inside intense light.

The God Dilemma

by Stephen Cox An elder gives ministry, saying that in their opinion, a Quaker cannot be an atheist. A recent enquirer says in notices that they are an atheist and are they welcome? Established attenders suggest not using the words God or prayer in an outreach leaflet, because they will be misunderstood. What is my…

Spirit Rising book editors stood in a group outside a building

Spirit Rising

Harriet Hart is one of the editors of Spirit Rising, an anthology of Quaker youth ministry. She talked to Nayler about the book and her own experience of being involved in the project. You’re one of the editors of the Spirit Rising. What is it and why should people read it?   Spirit Rising is…

An excerpt from Jay's journal, white lines on a black page

The Journal as worship

The Journal as Worship  by Jay Clark I owe a lot to a book called The Journal as Art, by Jennifer New, a book that reproduces pages from visual journals, alongside the creator’s comments on why and how they journal. When I was a teenager, bored of my written diaries that felt petty and uninspiring,…