British Quakers share stories of African peace builders

“Someone can’t forgive with a broken heart.  We need first to heal our wounds…Then start the work of peace and reconciliation.” So says Cécile Nyiramana, a peacebuilder from Rwanda at the British Quakers’ engaging exhibition This Light that Pushes Me. Cécile brought together the wives of victims of the Rwandan genocide to meet with the…

Kenyan Quakers take bold steps for peace

“We are seeing a new generation, a generation that are not sitting quietly any more, a generation who are coming together to resist injustice. We are also seeing a generation that want to make informed decisions.” – Benard L Agona, field co-ordinator of Turning the Tide Programme in Kenya As Kenyans prepare to go to…

Quaker simplicity and the 1%

by David Zarembka I suspect that we, my Kenyan wife, Gladys Kamonya and I, are Quakers who are members of the 1%. At least we are in my home town of Lumakanda in western Kenya. Here we are multi-millionaires in shillings, since there are 85 shillings to a US dollar so $11,764 makes one a…

Kaimosi Friends Mission Hospital staff accepting the donations

Kaimosi’s joy at donations from British Friends

Friday 13th of 4th month was a lucky day for staff at Kaimosi Friends Hospital as they took delivery of over £500 worth of equipment donated by British Quakers. The equipment included stethoscopes, thermometers and surgeons’ boots as British Friends arrived in Kenya for the World Conference of Friends, which took place in Kenya from 17/04 to 25/04.…

A dirt track in Kenya seen from inside a vehicle

Courage and faith

By Jez Smith Imagine that your child is sick. You do everything that you can to care for him but it is not enough. You take your son to the local district hospital but he doesn’t respond well. Not to worry, someone says, you can take him to a larger hospital. Fine, you say. You’ll…