mid-November Quaker media watch

By Jez Smith It has been a good week for the Quaker presence in the media. The Occupy business – see several articles on Nayler, for example – has been a key part of that. See, for example, Ian Chamberlain’s Ceasefire article. Ian is also appearing on Channel 4’s Thought TV slot (also available online).…

Light through wood

Quaker poets – Listen to Them Breathing

by Jay Clark Listen to Them Breathing is a rich and insightful radio programme in which Sibyl Ruth, a Quaker and poet, talks to others about how they see their Quakerism and poetry influence and challenge one another. One of Ruth’s own poems, as well as those by Dorothy Nimmo, UA Fanthorpe and Philip Gross…

Ian Hayhurst/flickr CC

Beyond belief

Two radio Quaker mentions likely to be coming up: Monday 20 December BBC R4 4.30pm Ernie Rae and guests discuss whether faith inspires philanthropy in Beyond Belief. London Quaker Jennifer Kavanagh is one of the guests.Listen here: http://bbc.in/fjICqO. Sunday 2 January 2011 BBC R2 Aled Jones plans to interview Geoffrey Durham on Good Morning Sunday.…