The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Quakers to end investment in fossil fuels

Quakers in Britain announced yesterday that they will remove their investments from companies engaged in extracting fossil fuels, less than a week after representatives of Quakers in Britain (at their ‘Meeting for Sufferings’) announced that such investment is incompatible with Quakers’ commitment to become a low-carbon community. The decision to disinvest was taken on 8/10/2013…

Quaker Eco-Justice Strategy: Equality and the Experiment of the Earth Quaker Action Team

Class and environmental nonviolent direct action for Friends: an introduction to this article by British Quaker Sam Walton Class and nonviolent direction aren’t usually discussed in the same article, but American Quaker George Lakey thinks they should be.  And he should know, he’s led over 1,500 workshops on five continents; training coal miners, homeless people,…

The letters of the word 'Green' looking like a hedge among a riot of colour

Writing the manual: part #3

by Jez Smith Six months update My partner and I set ourselves a goal as the increase in energy prices become apparent last summer. At first, we decided to try and reduce our gas and electricity bills by 10% but after the price hikes were announced, we decided to try and keep our bills the…

The letters of the word 'Green' looking like a hedge among a riot of colour

Writing the manual: part #2

by Jez Smith Remarkably, I’m still living off of the buzz of our Yearly Meeting Gathering, during which Quakers decided to become low carbon sustainable communities. And this is despite setbacks along our way. Be and queue Since I last wrote, our landlady has agreed to pay for some measures to increase the insulation in…

The letters of the word 'Green' looking like a hedge among a riot of colour

Links from Yearly Meeting Gathering

by Jez Smith I’ve written the following for my Local Meeting and then thought that it might be of interest to others. Do comment if you’ve got more links to share or if you would like to write for Nayler on this theme or on another subject to be of interest to newcomers to the…

a drop of water

Quakers and sustainability – what now?

By Anna Sharman Jez has asked if others were considering how to take steps towards being part of a low carbon sustainable community after Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG). I find myself feeling all fired up by YMG and the minute committing us to becoming a low carbon sustainable community, but less sure about what happens…