Symon Hill crouched by a sign for Pilgrim Street

The walk of repentance

  An interview by Jay Clark This June, Symon Hill will undertake a walk of repentance for homophobia, walking from Birmingham to London and arriving on Friday 01/07/2011, the day before London Pride. He will be speaking at churches on the way, and passing through every town and city in which he has lived for…

Symon Hill stands at a lectern

Why? How? Symon Hill

Why I am a Quaker, how I am a Quaker   by Symon Hill As a Quaker, I start with experience.  How we experience the world is so affected by our own culture and context that it can  seem impossible to look beyond them. And yet spirituality at its best aims to do just that,…

Quaker plans anti-homophobia pilgrimage

A left wing Quaker Christian commentator has announced that he intends to walk from Birmingham to London in June and July 2010 as a ‘pilgrimage of repentance’ for his former homophobic attitudes. Symon Hill, the associate director of the Ekklesia thinktank, will minister at churches along the way. He hopes to encourage the entire Christian…