The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Australian Quakers seek climate change action

Australian Quakers are calling on the leaders of all their political parties to take the impact of climate change into the upcoming Australian federal election as a key plank of their party’s platform for action. Australian Quakers used their yearly meeting this month to affirm that lasting peace can no longer be contemplated in isolation…

Two people chatting in front of display boards to celebrate 100 years of NFPB.

A century of peacemaking

by Philip Austin Set up after a peace conference of Quakers in the North in 01/1913, the Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) has undertaken a variety of work with and for Northern Friends, supported by funding and representatives from throughout the North of Britain. When, a couple of years ago, NFPB members began to think…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Quakers’ war effort remembered

“Everyone had a role to play and my grandparents did their bit,” says Christine Ball, speaking of her grandparents’ role working for the Friends War Victims’ Relief Committee during the first world war. “Grandpa may not have wanted to fight but he gave something back,” she added. The story of Christine’s grandparents’ work is told in a…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Answering God’s call

by John Cornes In the summer of 1947 when I was 20 years old and a medical student at King’s College in the Strand I discovered the Westminster Friends Meeting in St Martin’s Lane, and became a regular attender. The meeting house had been destroyed in the blitz and we met in the lobby. It…