Economic justice workshops

By Caro Humphries Ordinary people can create extraordinary change. A pensioner started a petition to the government to cap interest rates charged by payday loan sharks. The campaign was championed by high-profile members of the House of Lords and the government has been pressured into taking action to regulate the industry. Campaigning organisation 38 degrees…

Part of the British queen's face from a bank note, showing her eyes.

A question of integrity

By Joel Wallenberg It seems that much of the world has come to a consensus over the last few years: the banking industry has made some rotten decisions, and somehow it’s managed to muck up a whole lot of our personal finances in the process. But surprisingly, there has been very little activity on the…

An excerpt of the queen's head from a banknote. PhotoGraham/flickr CC

Quakers and the queen, the first motion?

By Andrew Williams In June 1660 Margaret Fell delivered to Charles II a paper directed to the king and both houses of parliament, making clear the corporate testimony of Friends ‘against all strife and wars.’ Introduction to 19.46, Quaker Faith and Practice Earlier this year Meeting for Sufferings received an invitation from Buckingham Palace to…

Lent a Fairtrade hand

by Jez Smith Day #5 (40acts): Buy Fairtrade. Suitably, for the start of ‘Fairtrade fortnight’ (27/02 to 11/03) the challenge today is to buy Fairtrade. Working for Britain Yearly Meeting and being based at Friends House this is a relatively easy challenge as fairtrade products are a standard part of the operations and retail. In…