The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Quaker group wins Stonewall award

Stonewall supporters have awarded the Quaker Lesbian & Gay Fellowship (QLGF) the title of community group of the year for their long-standing commitment to equality. At the Stonewall awards ceremony the group was presented with a cheque for £5,000. Paul Campion, a long-standing campaigner who received the award on behalf of QLGF, said “this generous…

Part of the British queen's face from a bank note, showing her eyes.

Move your money event in London

by Joel Wallenberg A Joint Westminster Quakers and Move Your Money Event, and Why You Should Consider Attending! Many of us in the Society of Friends (and beyond) have felt a deep, gnawing sense of unease regarding recent trends in the world economy, and for many of us this feeling has grown into a profound…

Ed Mayo to deliver 2013 Salter Lecture

By Jez Smith The Quaker Socialist Society has announced that Ed Mayo, the general secretary of Co-operatives UK, will deliver the annual Salter Lecture at Friends House just before Britain Yearly Meeting on Friday 24/05/2013 at 4pm. Ed Mayo will deliver a lecture titled “Raise the Sails as the Wind is Changing – how radical…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

A benefits briefing for Quakers

A benefits briefing for Quakers Introduction by Jez Smith: This benefits briefing is intended for Quakers as a reference point who have an interest in all the changes that are happening across the welfare state. It is not passing comment, but stands as an opportunity for those who are concerned about the changes to see…

Quaker simplicity and the 1%

by David Zarembka I suspect that we, my Kenyan wife, Gladys Kamonya and I, are Quakers who are members of the 1%. At least we are in my home town of Lumakanda in western Kenya. Here we are multi-millionaires in shillings, since there are 85 shillings to a US dollar so $11,764 makes one a…

A 2 Rand coin in the foreground with sunlight in the background

Small change, big deal

by Julia Lim In this short and engrossing book, Small change big deal, Jennifer Kavanagh explores some of the major themes in recent spiritually- and ethically-based thinking about the problematic nature of our current financial systems. She does this through writing about a very specific area: the microcredit schemes developed by Mohammed Yunus (Grameen Bank),…

A road sign rendered meaningless by blacked out parts because of the Olympics

The Olympic shames

by Jez Smith Over £11bn for 18 days of sport. It is quite a tough one to accept, that. And particularly as a Quaker trying to live out a value of equality. To me equality means seeking, finding and giving the Light in everyone the opportunity to shine. In practical terms this means giving everyone…

Two rings with the word equality on each

Same sex couples have waited for long enough

Quakers in Britain, Unitarians and Liberal Jews are urging the prime minister to stand firm on his commitment to change marriage laws to enable same-sex couples to marry. British Quakers are being encouraged to respond to the government consultation on equal marriage when they gather in London this weekend for their Yearly Meeting to discern…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Religious civil partnerships in the clear

The Quakers, the Unitarians and Liberal Jews will be free to host civil partnership ceremonies on their religious premises from 2012 after an attempt to annul the law in the House of Lords was defeated. Liberal Democrat and Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone said: “A number of faiths have made it very clear to me and others that…