Why? How? Rhiannon Grant

by Rhiannon Grant I am a Quaker both by accident and by design. I didn’t set out to be born into a Quaker family (although perhaps my parents had it in mind!), but nevertheless I was, as it happened, a cradle Quaker. Later in life, I made a few half-hearted attempts to leave the Quaker…

C is for Convincement

by Gil Skidmore What really appeals to me about the process of becoming a Quaker – convincement – is that it is usually a gradual process rather than the once-for-all ‘lightbulb moment’ of conversion. Descriptions of the way in which early Friends came to Quakerism identify several stages. First of all the individual is ‘reached’…

Trees in a park on a sunny day

Why? How? Stephanie Grant

By Stephanie Grant Why am I a Quaker? because it’s where God wants me to be, because it’s a place I can work out how to follow the teachings of Jesus without the rituals and creeds that troubled me in other churches, because I feel it’s where I belong, because it gives me a safe…