Sheffield Quakers have made more than a statement of support with their local Occupy movement – they’re offering practical support too.
“We’re getting a lot of support from Quakers in Sheffield,†an Occupy Sheffield activist told Nayler. “Some are working at the camp and wonderfully, the Meeting House is only a few yards away and they have very hospitably given us the use of their kitchen (for washing up, as we generate small mountains of it) and incredibly importantly – their toilets!â€
Sheffield Quaker Jean Wildgoose told Nayler that she spends much of her time at Occupy Sheffield. “I attend the majority of the General Assemblies and minute some meetings. A few other Quakers drop in and bring food, milk, wood for the fire.”
The relationship has led to some Occupy Sheffield occupiers attending Meeting for Worship and joining Sheffield Quakers for their Wednesday lunch. A few occupiers have been to Meeting for Worship and to our Wednesday lunch. Occupy Sheffield has adopted, with minor alterations, the initial statement written and agreed at OccupyLSX. “This chimes for me very much with our Quaker testimonies to equality, integrity, simplicity and peace,†says Jean. “That’s why I’m involved – I’m an Occupier for very much the same reasons that I’m a Quaker.â€
Sheffield Quakers meet at 10 St James Street Sheffield for worship at 10:30am on Sundays and on Wednesdays for lunch at 12 noon followed by Meeting at 1pm.
Is your Quaker Meeting or individuals from your Meeting involved with the local Occupy group? Comment below or contact Jez from Nayler.
What a great way for Friends to provide Outreach!