
Podcast #10

Welcome to the podcast series from Nayler. In this podcast the focus is on Occupy and there’s an hour long talk with Ian from Westminster Quaker Meeting talking about how he got involved in Occupy. It was recorded at Westminster Meeting House in eleventh month 2011. Ian’s talk is followed by a recording of the…

Quaker worship on the steps of saint Paul's cathedral. Photo: Martin Kunz.

Nayler signs up to Christian solidarity with Occupy London

by Jez Smith The following statement has been published by an alliance of Christian groups in support of the Occupy London movement, which includes some Quakers and has been supported in worship by Quakers on the steps of saint Paul’s cathedral. The Occupy London movement reveals a little shimmer of light shining to say that…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Podcast #2

Welcome to another podcast from Nayler. This podcast features more material from Quakers in Britain and their Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011. Laura Wirtz is my guest as we discuss arrivals day at Yearly Meeting Gathering and I meet another Laura who cycled to Canterbury from London. Finally, there is an interview with Tony Stoller, editor…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Podcast #1

Welcome to the first Nayler podcast, published for the beginning of Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011. This podcast is available for download. This podcast features a discussion with my guest Oliver Robertson. We talk about what we’re looking forward to with the Quaker event Yearly Meeting Gathering and we consider whether Young Friends can play a…

Light upon a chair

Naked Quakers exposed

An article by Justin Meggitt in the January 2011 edition of the Fortean Times examines the actions Quakers took in their early apocalyptic ministry. The article includes a ‘side panel’ on James Nayler.