Podcast #3

Welcome to the podcast series from Nayler. This podcast doesn’t have any updates from Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011, the annual meeting of Quakers in Britain. Instead, there is an extensive interview with Geoffrey Durham, author of Being a Quaker: a guide for newcomers, published by Quaker Quest. Being a Quaker is launched at Yearly Meeting…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Geoffrey Durham interview

“Then I found myself staring at this Quaker poster in a traffic jam every day for three weeks: ‘Peace is a process to be engaged in, not a state to be reached’. It started to bore into my head, but i was very, very disinclined to talk to anyone who would want to convert me.…

Ian Hayhurst/flickr CC

Beyond belief

Two radio Quaker mentions likely to be coming up: Monday 20 December BBC R4 4.30pm Ernie Rae and guests discuss whether faith inspires philanthropy in Beyond Belief. London Quaker Jennifer Kavanagh is one of the guests.Listen here: http://bbc.in/fjICqO. Sunday 2 January 2011 BBC R2 Aled Jones plans to interview Geoffrey Durham on Good Morning Sunday.…