The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

European Quakers focus on free trade agreements

A programme assistant, Chris Diskin, from the Quaker Council for European Affairs is set to tour Quaker meetings in Britain to help Quakers to explore the negative impact of Free Trade Agreements on economic justice. Chris Diskin’s work in Europe focuses in particular on the European Union-US TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and the…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Quaker Council for European Affairs seeks ‘evocative’ name

The Quaker Council for European Affairs is looking for a new ‘nickname’. Just as Britain Yearly Meeting has become known as ‘Quakers in Britain’, Friends in Brussels have decided to look for a new catchy name for themselves. In their survey, QCEA say that they’re not looking to change their name, rather they are just…

An excerpt of the queen's head from a banknote. PhotoGraham/flickr CC

Quakers and the queen, the first motion?

By Andrew Williams In June 1660 Margaret Fell delivered to Charles II a paper directed to the king and both houses of parliament, making clear the corporate testimony of Friends ‘against all strife and wars.’ Introduction to 19.46, Quaker Faith and Practice Earlier this year Meeting for Sufferings received an invitation from Buckingham Palace to…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

“May we look upon our treasures…”

Martina Weitsch of Quaker Council for European Affairs was interviewed on BBC Radio York on Sunday 06/03/2011. See the full transcript of Martina’s interview in this QCEA blogpost. Here is an extract of what Martina said: “York is a very important part of Quaker history, and Quaker present. I myself have lived in Yorkshire for some time…