Quaker meeting houses are among UK’s favourite churches

Two Quaker meeting houses have made it onto a list of the UK’s favourite churches. The list was chosen by a range of well-known people across the country including prime minister David Cameron, UKIP leader Nigel Farage, mayor of London Boris Johnson and Britain Yearly Meeting recording clerk Paul Parker. The list was produced by…

Quaker worship in London. Photo: Jez Smith

Quaker solidarity with OccupyLSX continues

by Jez Smith London Quakers continued their witness alongside Occupy London on Sunday afternoon, with around 50 Friends and others taking part in a Meeting for Worship by the encampment. Their presence has been boosted by a statement of support from Oxford Quakers. During the Meeting for Worship one Friend sat holding a sign explaining…

An excerpt from Jay's journal, white lines on a black page

The Journal as worship

The Journal as Worship  by Jay Clark I owe a lot to a book called The Journal as Art, by Jennifer New, a book that reproduces pages from visual journals, alongside the creator’s comments on why and how they journal. When I was a teenager, bored of my written diaries that felt petty and uninspiring,…