Why? How? John Southern

How I became a Quaker. My parents were Quakers and I was enrolled as a “birthright Friend”. They sent me to a Quaker school at aged 10, principally to avoid the blitz in 1940-41. We had daily Assembly and compulsory attendance at Meeting for Worship on Sundays. I joined a small group of pupils to…

Quaker worship on the steps of saint Paul's cathedral. Photo: Martin Kunz.

Nayler signs up to Christian solidarity with Occupy London

by Jez Smith The following statement has been published by an alliance of Christian groups in support of the Occupy London movement, which includes some Quakers and has been supported in worship by Quakers on the steps of saint Paul’s cathedral. The Occupy London movement reveals a little shimmer of light shining to say that…

Quaker worship on the steps of saint Paul's cathedral. Photo: Martin Kunz.

A Quaker presence at Occupy London

Almost 100 Quakers attended a Meeting for Worship on the steps of saint Paul’s cathedral in London on Sunday afternoon. The Meeting for Worship took place in support of the Occupy London movement that is camped outside the cathedral. The Occupy London movement is standing together with similar occupations around the world and is a…

A woman on a beach with footbprints behind her and a flock of birds in the sky

1985 – Steps in a Large Room

Steps in a large room The 1985 Swarthmore Lecture by Christopher Holdsworth. Reviewed by Valerie Graves. It is about the Benedictine Rule. What have monks in common with Friends? Penn says a monastery can be within us. Background. Christopher Holdsworth was born into a Christian home: his mother was Anglican and his father a Quaker.…