The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Quaker group wins Stonewall award

Stonewall supporters have awarded the Quaker Lesbian & Gay Fellowship (QLGF) the title of community group of the year for their long-standing commitment to equality. At the Stonewall awards ceremony the group was presented with a cheque for £5,000. Paul Campion, a long-standing campaigner who received the award on behalf of QLGF, said “this generous…

Light through wood

Not a paradise

The Declining Significance of Homophobia: How Teenage Boys are Redefining Masculinity and Heterosexuality  by Mark McCormack, a review By Stephen Cox  An old gay campaigning slogan was “Gay Liberation is Everyone’s Liberation”.  The theory went that in a society that was not hostile to male homosexuality, and which did not use fear of homosexuality and…

Two push lights against a dark background

Pushing sometimes

by Stephen Cox A review of Pushing at the frontiers of change: A memoir of Quaker involvement with homosexuality by David Blamires and published by Quaker Books David writes that “it is a little odd being a historian of your own life…”  This book sets out how Quakers moved from having little particularly interesting to…

Symon Hill crouched by a sign for Pilgrim Street

The walk of repentance

  An interview by Jay Clark This June, Symon Hill will undertake a walk of repentance for homophobia, walking from Birmingham to London and arriving on Friday 01/07/2011, the day before London Pride. He will be speaking at churches on the way, and passing through every town and city in which he has lived for…