The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

What it means to be a Quaker today

by Geoffrey Durham This text was given as prepared ministry at Britain Yearly Meeting, a gathering of Quakers, in 05/2012. My name is Geoffrey Durham and I am a member of North West London Area Meeting. I am a Quaker. And the purpose of this session is to explore that phrase in depth. ‘I’m a…

For me it is about creating heaven here

 “For us it is about creating heaven here… not about an insurance policy to make it better in the next life”, says Marigold Bentley, speaking about being a Quaker on Being a Quaker “give me access to be surrounded by radical thinkers and radical activists.” Many years ago Marigold Bentley went to work in…

People in Madagascar walking in a mist

Prophetic Voices #1: Yearly Meeting Gathering

The text below was prepared as ministry for the British Quakers’ Yearly Meeting Gathering event in 08/2011. by Maud Grainger Words such as connectedness, love, sharing, testimony – words  are easy to say, words fly out of our mouths all the time. We speak, write, listen and think words. Its easy to say what we…

A scene from the garden at Maison Quaker, Geneva.

My faith and action

In 06/2011 David Atwood retires from the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva. He came to QUNO to lead the peace and disarmament programme and was later appointed as director. Thirteen years ago he was invited to address Switzerland Yearly Meeting on the subject of Faith and Action. David has offered his ministry to Nayler. Friends,…

A street scene in Geneva where an artist has made a physical light experiment

Experiment with Light epistle

Epistle of the Experiment with Light conference, Glenthorne, 13-16 May 2011 To Friends Everywhere, We have come together to discern how Experiment with Light might be integrated into Britain Yearly Meeting so that it can be supported and further developed, both within Britain Yearly Meeting and beyond. Experiment with Light is a practice that was…

Tankiso Phori

Why? How? Tankiso S Phori

by Tankiso S Phori of  Lesotho Allowed Meeting (Overseen by Johannesburg Monthly Meeting in RSA), Central & Southern Africa Yearly Meeting. Why are you a Quaker? There is no single answer to the question of why I am a Quaker. But in simple terms I can respond by saying I decided to become a Quaker…

Jez Smith in the desert with footprints in the sand behind him.

Why? How? Jez Smith

Why I am a Quaker, how I am a Quaker by Jez Smith It is a balmy summers day and a gentle breeze is blowing outside. The windows to the Meeting house are open and the faint hum of traffic can be heard. An occasional plane passes overhead. A blackbird is singing nearby. I have my…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Why? How? Leo Vincent

Why I am a Quaker, how I am a Quaker by Leo Vincent How is a much easier question to answer than why. How am I a Quaker? I am a Quaker because I go to meeting to worship, am an elder and an overseer and because I take part in roles for Britain Yearly…

Symon Hill stands at a lectern

Why? How? Symon Hill

Why I am a Quaker, how I am a Quaker   by Symon Hill As a Quaker, I start with experience.  How we experience the world is so affected by our own culture and context that it can  seem impossible to look beyond them. And yet spirituality at its best aims to do just that,…