A well-worn copy of Quaker Faith & Practice lying on a table

New thinking for Quaker Faith & Practice

By Oliver Robertson Quaker Faith & Practice, Britain Yearly Meeting’s book of discipline is revised each generation, incorporating fresh insights and revelations given to Friends. The last time this happened was in the early 1990s, and while I don’t believe we are yet in need of another wholesale revision, there are parts I have found…

#bym13 to explore ‘trust’ at annual meeting

‘Trust’ and ‘what it means to be a Quaker today’ will be central themes in Britain Yearly Meeting this year it has been revealed. The timetable for BYM, from 24 to 27/05/2013 reveals that the issues of Trust in the Spirit and Trust in Trusteeship will be considered at sessions of the annual meeting of…

A butterfly entering into the world. Photo: Michelle Bartsch/flickr CC

1948 – The Clash of Loyalties

The 1948 Lecture by Edmond Privat, reviewed by John Hall: The Swarthmore Lecture that wasn’t The 1948 Yearly Meeting was held for the first time in Scotland: in Edinburgh.  The Swarthmore Lecture was to be given by the Swiss Quaker, Edmond Privat (1889-1962) who was an ardent pacifist, human-rights activist, writer and journalist.  He was…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Podcast #7

Welcome to the podcast series from Nayler, from Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011, the annual meeting of Quakers in Britain. This podcast doesn’t use material from Yearly Meeting Gathering as such. Instead, there is an interview with Chris Goodchild. Chris is the author of A painful gift: the journey of a soul with autism. It is…

Podcast #5

Welcome to the podcast series from Nayler, from Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011, the annual meeting of Quakers in Britain. This podcast contains an extended interview with John Marsh, who has a concern about finance and how we use our Meeting Houses. Thanks for listening! Click here to listen to podcast #5.

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

2011 – Costing not less than everything

The 2011 Swarthmore Lecture by Pam Lunn , reviewed by Jez Smith. Costing not less than everything: sustainability and spirituality in challenging times, the Swarthmore Lecture 2011. “The task may appear impossible We must take the first step.” Australia Yearly Meeting epistle 2011, paraphrasing Pablo Casals. When hundreds or thousands of Quakers gather for their Yearly…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Podcast #2

Welcome to another podcast from Nayler. This podcast features more material from Quakers in Britain and their Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011. Laura Wirtz is my guest as we discuss arrivals day at Yearly Meeting Gathering and I meet another Laura who cycled to Canterbury from London. Finally, there is an interview with Tony Stoller, editor…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Podcast #1

Welcome to the first Nayler podcast, published for the beginning of Yearly Meeting Gathering 2011. This podcast is available for download. This podcast features a discussion with my guest Oliver Robertson. We talk about what we’re looking forward to with the Quaker event Yearly Meeting Gathering and we consider whether Young Friends can play a…

Quakers raise civil partnership concerns

Quakers in Britain have highlighted concerns about the proposed implementation of the Equality Act 2010 relating to civil partnerships in religious premises, saying that they would be deterred by the cost of registering premises and bureaucratic hurdles such as procedures for layout and holding the ceremony and using an external registrar. “If religious premises are…

Oliver Robertson standing in an old greenhouse

Why? How? Oliver Robertson

by Oliver Robertson If asked “Why am I a Quaker, how am I a Quaker?”, this is what I can say. That when the answers to these two questions are the same and when I live out my Quaker values all the time and not just on Sunday morning, then I am all the better…