Another step towards marriage equality in England and Wales

by Jez Smith Quakers in Britain took another step closer yesterday towards being two-thirds of the way to reaching marriage equality as MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of same-sex marriage in England and Wales. Quakers in Britain welcomed the MPs vote in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, which will change the law in…

Barack Obama. Photo: Matt Wright/flickr CC

A letter to Barack Obama

22/11/2012 Dear Barack Obama, I am one of your supporters, a dual national living in Sweden. As an 11th generation Quaker, I feel connected to you because your daughters attend a Quaker school – I am also a product of Quaker education! I feel more deeply connected because I believe that your most profound hopes…

People gathered for Meeting for Worship with banners

On seeking justice

Notes and observations from the day of the March for the Alternative by Jez Smith For passers-by it was an unusual sight. A crowd of over a hundred people were standing on the pavement and spilled out onto the road outside 52 St Martins Lane, London WC2N. A police helicopter hovered overhead and not long…

Two rings with the word equality on each

Another step towards equality

Quakers in Britain have welcomed the government’s announcement, today, 17 February, that civil partnerships will be allowed to be celebrated on some religious premises, if a faith group wishes. This was introduced as part of the Equality Act 2010, section 202.  The equalities minister, Lynne Featherstone has revealed that the government will consult on the reform of…

Colin & Annie in Addis Abba

Quakers in Ethiopia

In the UK we can take it more or less for granted that there are other Quakers, and a Meeting House, somewhere near our location.  What is it like to live in a country where there are few or no other Quakers?  On a recent trip to Ethiopia, I was surprised to meet someone who…

New recording clerk interview

Paul Parker, the new recording clerk, emphasised values of equality when interviewed on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire on Sunday 13 December. Asked why he had taken the job of recording clerk Paul said: “It felt like time to do something for the Quakers.” He explained that he has been involved with Quakers for about 25 years.…