A butterfly entering into the world. Photo: Michelle Bartsch/flickr CC

1948 – The Clash of Loyalties

The 1948 Lecture by Edmond Privat, reviewed by John Hall: The Swarthmore Lecture that wasn’t The 1948 Yearly Meeting was held for the first time in Scotland: in Edinburgh.  The Swarthmore Lecture was to be given by the Swiss Quaker, Edmond Privat (1889-1962) who was an ardent pacifist, human-rights activist, writer and journalist.  He was…

Conceptual image of justice

1950 – Justice and the Law of Love

The 1950 Swarthmore Lecture by Konrad Braun, reviewed by John Hall Written by a former Berlin Supreme Court judge who escaped from the Nazis and became a subsequent convert to Quakerism and a lecturer at Woodbrooke, potentially this is an ideal read, written as it was, only five years after the end of the war…