The challenge for Quakerism

Materials to complement the Friends Quarterly article by Simon Best will appear within the next couple of days. Simon gave the George Gorman lecture at Britain Yearly Meeting in 07/2011.

Quakerism has a tradition of continuing revelation, of evolving expression, theology and practice to respond to the challenges of the age. What does this mean for Yearly Meeting in 21st century Britain? What challenges and questions face us? Following a challenging introduction, Simon used a process of discussion and reflection to enable Friends to consider some crucial questions as we look forward to what the future may hold for the Religious Society of Friends and for us as individuals.

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One thought on “The challenge for Quakerism

  1. Margaret Heathfield powerfully warned us of the danger of becoming “The National Trust at prayer” in her Swarthmoor lecture many years ago. In many areas we are still not listening to that warning. Yearly Meeting in session still holds enough committed Quakers to heed the lesson but, judging from the pages of The Friend, many other Meetings do not. I wonder if the further one gets from London the less the problem. My own Area of South Wales is still composed to those with whom I can worship and who I love for it. Sadly I rarely get to Area Meeting these days but with such Quakers I have no fear that The Society will wither away. The Meeting has been severely tested by two Friends who wish us to be as they would want us, and not to be as we are, and the labour has been a great strain on many, particularly those called to be elders and overseers, and the clerk.

    Much of the time I attend Meeting for Worship as a discipline without drawing much immediate benefit. But I know that I must do this to be ready when such a test comes. (Matt. 25 v 1-13) I also attend because I never know what will happen and this excites me!

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